JUPITER-Single & Parallel autoclavable stirred mini-fermentor/bioreactor
The Jupiter platform offers multiple autoclavable vessel sizes and designs from 2.0 L up to 10.0 L total volume. The system is highly configurable, offering a wide range of measurement and control options. Pressure control up to 1.6 bar is also available in the 2 and 4 L volumes.
- 5 different volumes (2 L, 4 L, 6.5 L, 8 L, 10 L) and 2 different ratios H/D.
- Jacketed and single-wall borosilicate glass vessel designs available for all volumes.
- Microbial (Toro sparger, Rushton impellers, baffles) and cell cultures (Sintered sparger, Marine impellers, baffles caps) configurations available.
- Wide range of measurement and control options, including temperature, pH, dO 2 , dCO2 , redox, antifoam, level, conductivity, weight, cell density (total cells, viable cells)..
- Suitable for batch, fed-batch and continuous processes.
- Powerful and accurate (1 RPM) brushless motor.
- Optional integration of up to 4 analog input/output connections, choosing between 0-10 V and 0-20 mA/4-20 mA (e.g. pumps or valves with power supply independent from Solaris electrical cabinet)
- Different gas mixing strategies with up to 5 TMFC and/or solenoid valves.
- Jacketed design: fully removable and cleanable glass jacket for improved heat transfer during autoclaving.
- Single-wall design: thermoregulation performed with heating blanket and cooling finger.
- Pressure control up to 1.6 bar (with constant gas-in and gas-out flux) available in the 2 and 4 L volumes with jacketed design.