Cancer All-In-One Lung Assay

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Cancer All-In-One Lung Assay


Cancer All-In-One Lung Assay

Single target enrichment NGS assay for all Single Nucleotide Variants, indels, Copy Number Variations, and translocations relevant to Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer.

  • All-in-one profiling of SNVs, indels, CNVs, and translocations relevant to NSCLC from a single DNA sample of 50 ng or less
  • Compatible with FFPE and low-quality DNA samples
  • Streamlined workflow to achieve target-enriched NGS libraries from DNA within a day
  • Robust detection of somatic CNVs, including gene amplifications and deletions down to 15% tumor cells
  • High-sensitivity translocation detection by targeting translocation driver genes regardless of partner genes
  • Complementary data analysis supported by Agilent SureCall software