Custom Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies

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Custom Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies

Custom Rabbit Monoclonal Antibodies

As a global leader in custom mAb generation, GenScript's MonoRab™ technology is able to generate a large number of high-quality rabbit mAbs to maximize the success of identifying mAbs perfect for your specific research application(s). Our advanced, proprietary rabbit mAb discovery technology involves the isolation and cloning of rabbit B cells, and capitalizes on the rabbit's natural ability to generate high-specificity, high-affinity mAbs towards a wide range of difficult targets such as small molecules, Ab drugs, and even antigens that are non-immunogenic in mice.

MonoRab™ is a full-scale, comprehensive antibody generation service which harnesses GenScript's advanced expertise in rabbit mAb discovery. With our proprietary immunization and B cell cloning technologies, we are able to generate a large number of diverse, high-affinity rabbit mAbs towards your target antigen with industry-leading turnaround times and highly competitive pricing.

  • Strong immune response: increasing the immune response to limited epitopes
  • Unique B-cell maturation: including gene conversion and multiple rounds of somatic hypermutation
  • Unique IgG structure: contains additional disulfide bonds for high stability
  • Large body size: facilitates the large collection of antiserum and immune cells
  • High genetic heterogeneity: limited inbreeding allows for wide antigenic recognition
  • Long evolutionary distance: their immune system can respond to human and mouse antigens